I will proofread your documents immediately

Writing & Translation / Proofreading & Editing
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  • 0 dias
20.00 USD Premium
2 Days Delivery
Unlimited Revisions
I will proofread 2,000 words document

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10.00 USD Standard
2 Days Delivery
Unlimited Revisions
I will proofread 1,000 words document

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5.00 USD Basic
1 Day Delivery
Unlimited Revisions
I will proofread 500 words document

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My name is Charles Eneanya (Verified Fundraising Business Plan Expert).

I am available to create and deliver your FUNDRAISER BUSINESS PLAN immediately. I have successfully assisted over 300 clients needing over $500 million from investors and bank loans. Chat with me for SAMPLES and TESTIMONIALS. Investors love my simplistic writing style and I guarantee you will love it too.

My Degrees:
• MBA (Best).
• BSc. Economics & Statistics (Upper Class)
• Dip. Insurance (Distinction)
• Dip. HRM (Merit)
• Chartered Personnel Manager
• Associate Economic Society (Chartered)

Areas of Specialization:
• Business Plan Writing
• Fundraising
• Pitch Deck
• Proofreading
• Econometrics

Order My Services Now!

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Last seen:
3 years ago

100% Seguro

Trabalho é realizado ou devoluñçao do dinheiro
  • Paga apenas o preço indicado sem nenhum custo escondido.
  • Retemos o seu dinheiro até que estiver satisfeito com o trabalho entregue.
  • O trabalho será realizado ou irá receber o seu dinheiro de volta.

Descrição do Trabalho

I will proofread all types of documents including websites, blogs, articles, letters, books, etc. Simply send me your script and I will have all English grammatical errors identified and corrected so that you have a document without errors.

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Descrição I will proofread 500 words document

I will proofread 1,000 words document

I will proofread 2,000 words document

Tempo de entrega 1 dia 2 dias 2 dias
Revisions Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Preço 5.00 USD 10.00 USD 20.00 USD

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