do any type of data entry typing and administrative work

business / Data Entry
  • Ainda sem avaliação
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50.00 USD Premium
2 Days Delivery
Unlimited Revisions
Will work 10 hours fairly and deliver exactly as you want
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25.00 USD Standard
1 Day Delivery
Unlimited Revisions
Will work 6 hours fairly and deliver exactly as you want
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10.00 USD Basic
1 Day Delivery
Unlimited Revisions
Will work 3 hours fairly and deliver exactly as you want
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Last seen:
3 years ago

100% Seguro

Trabalho é realizado ou devoluñçao do dinheiro
  • Paga apenas o preço indicado sem nenhum custo escondido.
  • Retemos o seu dinheiro até que estiver satisfeito com o trabalho entregue.
  • O trabalho será realizado ou irá receber o seu dinheiro de volta.

Descrição do Trabalho

Hi, My name is Ali and I have an organization degree. I'm an expert Freelancer for Data Entry Work, Microsoft Excel/Word Jobs, composing work. I will give you quality administrations in this field.

I am offering the following services:

  • Offline/Online

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Name Basic Standard Premium
Descrição Will work 3 hours fairly and deliver exactly as you want
Will work 6 hours fairly and deliver exactly as you want Will work 10 hours fairly and deliver exactly as you want
Tempo de entrega 1 dia 1 dia 2 dias
Revisions Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Preço 10.00 USD 25.00 USD 50.00 USD

Pedido Adicional

Taxas de processamento (10%): 1.00 USD
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