Writing & Translation

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Anyone who has experience working in Appen/Lionbridge/isoftstone. Advice (5$) Hello! Thank you for having interest in this topic. I am in need of advice of working in remotely. Especially companies such as Appen,Lionbridge,isoftstone. 1. Which one did you work for. 2. What was the hourly payment. 3. How long you worked on under such companies. 4. If you're currently working for them. Sending bids, please answer the question above. This is a must. And then I will ask question please answer me gently. please respond and message to me. Thank you :)

Budget: 5.00 USD - 7.00 USD
Delivery: 6 días
Deadline: junio 30, 2019
Tags: dataentry, Transcription, writing
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