Create a WordPress website in no time

Programming & IT / WordPress
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80.00 USD Premium
3 Days Delivery
Unlimited Revisions
Install Wordpress, a custom theme, plugins for e-commerce, as needed, menus, install needed plugins
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40.00 USD Standard
2 Days Delivery
5 Revisions
Install Wordpress, a custom theme, create the menus, install needed plugins
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20.00 USD Basic
1 Day Delivery
3 Revisions
Installing Wordpress, a standard theme and basic plugins
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Last seen:
6 years ago

100% Seguro

El trabajo está realizado o te devolvemos el dinero
  • Pagas solamente el precio anunciado sin ningún coste oculto.
  • Retenemos los fondos hasta que estés satisfecho con el trabajo que te ha sido entregado.
  • Garantizamos la entrega del trabajo o te devolvemos el dinero

Descripción del trabajo

I’m Management Informatics licensed and Website Development is my passion. I've been working with Wordpress for almost 5 years and it's my main CMS to work with.

In this gig, I’m offering WordPress related services as below:

My Services:

  • Install a
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Name Basic Medium Premium
Descripción Installing Wordpress, a standard theme and basic plugins Install Wordpress, a custom theme, create the menus, install needed plugins Install Wordpress, a custom theme, plugins for e-commerce, as needed, menus, install needed plugins
Tiempo de entrega 1 día 2 días 3 días
Revisions 3 5 Unlimited
Precio 20.00 USD 40.00 USD 80.00 USD

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Tasas de tramitación (10%): 1.50 USD
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