Price per one social network, up to 10 posts or 24 hours period, whichever runs out faster.
You specify at what frequency posts should appear.
You provide content (text, images) – for some networks additional charges might apply due to lack of supp
Price per one social network, up to 10 posts or 24 hours period, whichever runs out faster.
You specify at what frequency posts should appear.
You provide content (text, images) – for some networks additional charges might apply due to lack of support for automated image upload, etc.
Separate, dedicated social media accounts are recommended – not only for security reasons, but just in case they
get shut down; the higher the frequency, the higher the probability that account will get shut down due to bot activity, so set your
frequency wisely!
If you need to launch simultaneously on multiple social networks or more than 10 posts / period longer than 24 hours,
please see extras.
Before ordering, please get in touch and specify which social network(s) you're interested in to have your campaign run on.